Deal with sb/sth  處理,應付
to attend to a problem

I have to deal with large impersonal companies. 我需要應付那些冷酷無情的大公司

Haven't you dealt with that letter yet? 你還沒有處理好那封信件嗎?

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Depend on sb/sth 依....情況/事情而定

1. to be sure or expect that something will happen: 相當確信,或期望某件事情將會發生
You can never depend on her arriving on time. 你永遠也別期望她準時到達

2. to rely on somebody or something: 可...依靠/信賴
He is the sort of person who could be depended on. 他是那種可以依靠的人

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Calm Down 平復,冷靜/平復下來
Please calm down and tell me what happened. 請先平靜下來,且告訴我發生了甚麼事情
Just calm down a bit! 先冷靜下來一些!
It will help to calm your nerves. 這將可以幫助你的焦慮

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Call off  取消

The exam was called off because of bad weather. 壞天氣導致考試被取消
The football match was called off due to the heavy rain. 足球賽因大雨被取消了
The meeting is called off. 會議被取消了

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Be aware of 意識到

Are you aware of the time? 你有意識到時間嗎? 
It happened without my being aware of it. 我沒有意識到會這樣得發生

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Agree on 對...取得一致的意見
We agree on Wednesday morning for meeting in every week. 我們一致認同會議於每周禮拜三早上舉行

Agree with 與...人意見一致
Example: I
agree with you, if you could prove you are right. 我將完全同意你,如果你可以證明你是正確的

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Break down 故障

The bike broke down last week. 機車上禮拜壞掉了

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A large amount of / A large number of : 大宗,很多

A large amount of
people love to learn different languages. 有很多人喜歡學習不同的語言

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