目前分類:D 字母 (2)

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Deal with sb/sth  處理,應付
to attend to a problem

I have to deal with large impersonal companies. 我需要應付那些冷酷無情的大公司

Haven't you dealt with that letter yet? 你還沒有處理好那封信件嗎?

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Depend on sb/sth 依....情況/事情而定

1. to be sure or expect that something will happen: 相當確信,或期望某件事情將會發生
You can never depend on her arriving on time. 你永遠也別期望她準時到達

2. to rely on somebody or something: 可...依靠/信賴
He is the sort of person who could be depended on. 他是那種可以依靠的人

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